The banjo is a stringed musical instrument that's been adapted from several African instruments. Learn more about the banjo and chord positions with expert tips in this free video series.
The banjo is a stringed musical instrument that's been adapted from several African instruments. Learn more about the banjo and chord progressions with expert tips in this free video series.
This instructional banjo video takes a look at what the right hand does while playing the Rampi Rampi, a Turkish song in 9/8. The rhythm goes something like this: 2 (quick), 2 (quick), 2 (quick), 3 (slow). This is basically the bum-diddy pattern. Watch this tutorial video and learn how to play the rampi rampi rhythm with your right hand.
Learn how to play probably the most recognized melodic licks in bluegrass banjo with this tutorial. This lick is based on a Bb pentatonic scale. You can hear this lick in a lot of Ben Eldridge's playing though it may date back farther than the 1950's. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play this famous lick based on the Bb pentatonic scale.
This banjo tutorial goes over working with a two note melodic scale in G major to form ideas for licks. This lesson teaches you improvisational techniques on the banjo. You will also learn the 3 different types of the melodic scales. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play banjo licks on a two note melodic scale in G major.
Learn how to play melodic C licks on the banjo with this tutorial. This lesson is an introduction to the C melodic scale and improvisation on the C scale. This is a great lesson for beginner to intermediate banjo players. Watch this how to video and you will be improvising on the C melodic scale on the banjo.
Learn how to play a D scale on the banjo with this tutorial. This video also teaches you some licks based on the melodic D scale. Watch this how to video and you can play the D scale on the banjo.
Learn how you can play a common melodic ending passage on the banjo with this tutorial. This is an Earl Scruggs style banjo lick that can be used as a phrase ending lick or break it into fragment and use it in many ways. Watch this how to video and you can play this melodic ending passage on the banjo.
Learn how you can play a melodic lick on the banjo with this tutorial. This banjo lick is a nice melodic idea with chromatic intervals added. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play a melodic lick on the banjo.
This two part tutorial teaches you a banjo pattern in the key of C major. This banjo lick is a slight variation on a basic scale. Watch this how to video and you will be able to improvise different patterns in the key of C major.
Learn how you can play a lick based on the D melodic scale with this banjo tutorial. You will learn different picking patterns and variations on the melodic D scale. Watch this banjo how to video and you will be able to improvise over the D melodic scale.
This two part how to video is an informal banjo lesson showing ideas for syncopation and other rhythmic techniques you can use to make a tune your own. The tune "Julianne Johnson" is used as an example of more advanced fingerpicking. This video is aimed at intermediate players who are comfortable with drop-thumbing and plucks. Watch this two part tutorial and you can jazz up your banjo playing with different fingerpicking techniques.
This banjo how to video teaches you some easy tricks to play with the classic D tune Mississippi Sawyer using minor and modal variations. This banjo lesson is based on the assumption that you already know the tune, Mississippi Sawyer. This lesson is for advanced banjo players. Watch this how to video and you can learn how play Mississippi Sawyer in minor and major keys.
This banjo tutorial teaches you how to play a lick based on the C melodic scale. This riff is a backwards roll where you add a chromatic note to the mix and then resolved to C major. This is a great banjo lesson for beginner to intermediate students. Watch this how to video and you can play this banjo lick based on the C melodic scale.
David Cavage shows you the basic building of scales and chords on the 5-string banjo, and he shows some exercises afterwards. This is a 7-part tutorial, lessons 74-80.
David Cavage breaks down "Cumberland Gap" on the 5-string banjo so you can you understand and play it easily, while he also lectures on the pentatonic scale and other necessities. This is a 10 part tutorial.
Here you will learn some new rolls, which are very important for the banjo. One of the most important rolls on the banjo is a forwards learn, which you will now see.
This is a version of a popular fiddle tune that I worked up to play with our fiddle player. Since we were playing it in unison, I wanted a version as close to the standard melody as possible.
Watch banjo expert Geoff Hohwald teach you how to play faster by teaching you two basic chords and how to switch between them efficiently. While the video starts out slowly, it eventually grows in speed so that you too can become a banjo master.
For intermediate banjo players, this video will teach you how to play two fingered chords. While two fingered chords are more difficult than four fingered chords, learning this skill will bring great improvement to your banjo skills as shown by the sample song "Banks of the Ohio."
Watch banjo expert Geoff Hohwald teach you the basics of rhythm techniques of banjo also known as chopping or vamping. While it may seem to be a boring skill, being good at vamping is actually the key to great bluegrass music.
Learn the right hand position for banjo with instructor Geoff Hohwald. In this video, Mr. Hohwald explains the intricacies of the right hand position including the subtleties of the xy position which has importance in tone.
A must for anybody who wants to learn how to play banjo, this video will show you the proper right hand technique to play banjo via a variety of simple tricks. By learning how to play with proper technique, you will be able to accelerate your musical education.
Watch banjo expert Geoff Hohwald teach you how to play the banjo arrangement "Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms." This is a good lesson for beginners as it has easy measures. This video breaks the arrangement into pieces for accelerated learning